7:30–9pm Jen Dorf Wellness presents The Family Table Ages: AllClasses Food & Drink Groove Family MusicLarchmont
10am–noon Cupcakes, Dollar$ and $ense: Sweetening Your Cash Flow Ages: 13 and upClasses Community Westchester Community CollegeValhalla
5:30pm Creative Writing Workshop at the Historic Salyer House Ages: 13 and upArt Books & Readings The Salyer HousePearl River
Noon–2pm BACKYARD BEEKEEPING – NECTAR FLOW AND PARASITES Ages: 13 and upClasses Environment Catherine Violet Hubbard Animal SanctuaryNewtown
Noon–2pm BACKYARD BEEKEEPING – MAINTAINING A HEALTHY COLONY Ages: 13 and upClasses Catherine Violet Hubbard Animal Sanctuary ApiaryNewtown
QNS NYC Health + Hospitals/Queens renames pavilion building in honor of late Borough President Claire Shulman
Brooklyn Paper Relief for some Brooklyn parents: Company will donate $6k in baby formula after price gouging settlement