All day Walk-In Crafts for Kids @ the Village Branch Ages: 12 and underFree Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library Village BranchHaverstraw
6–6:45pm Family Storytime with Mr. Frank Ages: 3 – 4Free Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library, Main BranchGarnerville
6:15–7pm Family Storytime Ages: 12 and underBooks & Readings Caribbean Finkelstein Memorial LibrarySpring Valley
10:30am–11:30pm Toddler Time Ages: 4 and underBooks & Readings Free Finkelstein Memorial LibrarySpring Valley
10:30–11:15am Sensory Play @ the Village Branch Ages: 4 and under Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library Village BranchHaverstraw
11am Little Movers Storytime Ages: 12 and underBooks & Readings Belmont Library and Enrico Fermi Cultural CenterBronx
10:30–11:15am Stories & Crafts with Miss Cheryl Ages: 3 – 4 Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library, Main BranchGarnerville
6–6:30pm Music & Movement with Miss Fran Ages: 4 and under Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library, Main BranchGarnerville
10:30–11:15am Playtime Storytime Ages: 4 and underFree Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library, Main BranchGarnerville
AMNY ‘Back to the Bridges’: Demonstrators march across the Brooklyn Bridge for civil rights on 60th anniversary of ‘Blood Sunday’