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Winter Solstice Wishes

Celebrate the longest night of the year, the Winter Solstice, with lantern-crafting, cookie-decorating, and warm wishes for the season. Gather in majestic Armor Hall to decorate solstice-inspired sugar cookies and design a simple paper lantern with your wish or intention, then float your wish lantern at Aquatic Garden. As the lanterns drift together, their light represents the individual and collective sentiments of the Wave Hill community.
A second session of Winter Solstice Wishes also runs from 6:30PM–8:00PM.
On Thursday evenings, enjoy hot cocoa and self-guided activities outdoors along our lighted pathways. The Café, Conservatory and Shop are open until 7:30PM. The grounds close at 8:00PM. Advance registration is encouraged online or by calling 718.549.3200 x251. Day-of registration based on availability and not guaranteed.
Program cancellations due to inclement weather will be posted on our website home page.
Wave Hill House and Armor Hall are wheelchair-accessible. There is an accessible, ground-level entrance at the front of the building with a power-assist door. The restroom on the ground level is all-gender and ADA-compliant. Additional ADA-compliant restrooms are available on the lower level, which can be accessed by elevator.
The route to the Aquatic Garden includes sloping paved and gravel paths, as well as occasional low steps.
Paths will be gently lit.