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Visit the BHS Castle During Open House New York 2024

October 20, noon4pm.

Bayside Historical Society is excited to be part of this year’s Open House New York Weekend, a five-borough-wide event that celebrates architecture and design. The Bayside Historical Society will be participating with FREE guided tours of The Castle in Fort Totten Park, which has been the home of the Bayside Historical Society since 1984. Built in 1887, the building was originally used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as their Officers’ Mess Hall and Club. The Castle is one of the finest surviving examples in New York City of Gothic Revival castellated architecture, and is a NYC designated landmark that is also listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Staff will be on hand to give tours and talk about the beautiful building and its history, along with the history of the land dating back to 1639. Light refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP on the BHS website.


208 Totten Avenue, Fort Totten
Bayside, NY 11359 United States