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Transparent Film Festival Awards Ceremony

June 13, 6pm10pm.
$12 with AM New York Code

Transparent Film Festival is different than virtually every other film festival. If you’re an independent filmmaker who is looking for a chance to get your films out there in a big way… Welcome.

Owned and operated by NYC Production Company Palm Aisles Pictures, we know what it’s like to produce and submit films. Our goal is to influence all film festivals to watch EVERY FILM and post proof they did so (we post screen grabs along with Director, Place of Origin, Date Watched and brief note about the story on Facebook.com/TransparentFilmFestival.

The 6th Transparent Film Festival Awards Ceremony will take place this June 13th with a live Program as well as Streaming Programs with after party at:

Producer’s Club 358 W 44th St, New York, NY 10036
THURSDAY JUNE 13 (6-10 pm)
Live Screening Of Selected Nominated Films
Producer’s Club 358 W 44th St, New York, NY 10036

Only Selected films that have received nominations are screened live, with the exception of feature films. Nominated features have the option of allowing trailers to be screened for the competition. Films that are Finalists screen online with the permission of the filmmaker. Our streaming programs are FREE and available on on our Full Screen Home Page Video Streaming Channel ABFAB.com.

The judges who evaluate selected films for competition have either Emmy, Grammy and/or Oscar awards and/or nominations.


358 W 44th St.
New York, United States