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Giant Pumpkin Weigh Off at Hicks Nurseries

October 6, 11am11:30am.

Sunday, October 6 FREE
Entries accepted 10 am – 10:45 am; Judging begins promptly at 11 am.

Watch as local pumpkin growers compete for prizes. Everyone who has grown a pumpkin, no matter what its size – is encouraged to bring it to the competition and show off their growing skills. Alongside prizes for the three heaviest pumpkins, we’ll recognize the ‘Rookie of the Year’ and the ‘Best Pumpkin Grown by a Child’ (under 15). Every participating child will receive a Certificate of Participation.

Weigh-Off Prizes:

  • 1st place: $500
  • 2nd place: $300
  • 3rd place: $200
  • Rookie of the Year: $100
  • Best Pumpkin Grown by a Child: $50 (ages 15 years old and younger)

Please note: Contestants who need help unloading their pumpkins must arrive at the nursery no later than 10am.


100 Jericho Turnpike
Westbury, United States