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Family Movie: Muppet Christmas Carol & Historical Games

December 21, 12:30pm4pm.

Revisit Charles Dickens’ classic holiday tale with help from the Muppets! This live action film is one of the truest to the original book by Charles Dickens. After the movie, stay for historical games! Try your hand at indoor team games like mancala, shut the box, nine men’s morris, and captain’s mistress, or try solo games like cup & ball, jacob’s ladder, quoits, skittles, and more. Refreshments provided by the Friends of Philipse Manor Hall. Seating is first come, first served. Registration is recommended but not required. To register, call 914-965-4027 or email philipsemanorhall@parks.ny.gov.

Parking available onsite.


29 Warburton Avenue
Yonkers, NY 10701 United States