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Fall Fest Weekend

November 17, 2024, 9am5pm.

Fall Fest Weekend with STEAM activities that celebrate the changing seasons. Join the museum for a broad range of fun activities for kids of all ages and learning or playing styles: Leaf Litter MicroBiomes, Pumpkin Batteries, DIY Corn Maze, Applesauce Cinnamon Dough Sculptures, Seed Sorting, and Leaf Raking.

Leaf Litter MicroBiomes – Explore the hidden world under your feet with magnifying glasses and scientific collection tools to discover miniature creatures and ecosystems in leaf litter.

Pumpkin Batteriess – Discover a fun and unique science experiment using zinc and copper plates, alligator clamp wires, bulbs, and a pumpkin to power an LED light.

DIY Corn Maze – Create a custom maze using engineering design techniques, plan, test, evaluate, and improve to ensure a unique and challenging experience for those who navigate it.

Applesauce Cinnamon Dough Sculptures – Mix applesauce and cinnamon to make awesome scented playdough, then craft it into art sculptures.

Seed Sorting – Think like a squirrel and categorize plant seeds by physical characteristics like size, count, and texture.

Leaf Raking – Experience the joy of autumn by raking leaves and jumping into piles – indoors! Use kids-sized rakes and paper & felt leaves for a safe and enjoyable experience.


100 Playland Parkway
Rye, NY 10580 United States