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Earth Celebrations at The Kite: Flower Pounding DIY Bandana Workshop

April 21, 4pm6pm.

Celebrate Earth Day with a flower pounding workshop where you’ll be adding a natural floral flourish to bandanas! Flower pounding, also know as Tataki-zomé, is the Japanese art of transferring botanical dyes from flowers and leaves onto fabric by simply hammering them onto the surface. All materials will be provided.

Stick around with your new flair for our Danse Cajun-Esque with Red Aces, complete with a dance lesson at 6:45 and delicious Takayoki from Yoko Nips!

There will be a special absinthe cocktail all weekend long with absinthe from NY based distillery Delaware Phoenix!


40 Loisaida Ave
New York, NY 10009 United States