10:30am–11:30pm Toddler Time Ages: 4 and underBooks & Readings Free Finkelstein Memorial LibrarySpring Valley
11–11:45am 1,2,3 Sing with Miss Nancy Ages: 4 and underFree Music North White Plains LibraryWhite Plains
10:30–11:30am Baby Time (Birth-Walkers) Ages: 2 and underBooks & Readings Free Finkelstein Memorial LibrarySpring Valley
2–3:30pm Bach to BlackNotes: Classical Music is for Everybody! Ages: 3 and upFree Music White Plains Public LibraryWhite Plains
3:30–4:30pm Family Storytime Ages: 12 and underBooks & Readings Caribbean Finkelstein Memorial LibrarySpring Valley
6:30–8:30pm Adventuring with Dungeons & Dragons Ages: 13 and upFree Games Finkelstein Memorial LibrarySpring Valley
9:30am–1pm BoulderBird’s Easter Egg Hunt & Bunny Brunch Ages: AllEaster Food & Drink Clover StadiumPomona
AMNY ‘Expect the unexpected’: New York City April Fools’ Day parade prepares for 40th satirical celebration
Brooklyn Paper Founder of Brooklyn’s first women-only boot camp launches intimate wedding venue in Park Slope