10am–6pm The Orchid Show: Mexican Modernism Ages: AllAttractions Festivals New York Botanical GardenBronx
10:30–11am Tales & Tunes Ages: 2 and underFree Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library, Main BranchGarnerville
10:30am–11:30pm Toddler Time Ages: 4 and underBooks & Readings Free Finkelstein Memorial LibrarySpring Valley
3–4pm STEAM Time: Women’s History Month Ages: 5 – 12Books & Readings Free Clason’s Point LibraryBronx
3:30–4:30pm Art in Action! Women’s History Month Artists Ages: 5 and upCraft & DIY Free Jerome Park LibraryBronx
6–6:45pm Stories & Crafts with Miss Cheryl Ages: 3 – 4 Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library, Main BranchGarnerville
10am–6pm The Orchid Show: Mexican Modernism Ages: AllAttractions Festivals New York Botanical GardenBronx
10:30–11:15am Stories & Crafts with Miss Cheryl Ages: 3 – 4 Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library, Main BranchGarnerville
3:30pm Celebrate Women's History Month with Button making Ages: 13 and upCraft & DIY Morris Park LibraryBronx
3:30pm Manga March Madness: Anime Movie Night: Suzume (すずめの戸締まり) Ages: 13 and upFilm Throg’s Neck LibraryThroggs Neck
3:30pm Anime Club: Let's Watch Anime Ages: 13 and upFilm Belmont Library and Enrico Fermi Cultural CenterBronx
QNS Protesters in Queens demand action on rising energy bills, urge Senate to pass Bucks for Boilers Act